Python Loguru Support

In Sentry Python SDK version 1.23.0 we introduced support for Loguru.

Example usage (see the documentation to learn more):

import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk.integrations.loguru import LoguruIntegration

# Add the Loguru integration

# Capture errors and exceptions:
from loguru import logger
logger.debug("I am ignored")"I am a breadcrumb")
logger.error("I am an event", extra=dict(bar=43))
logger.exception("An exception happened")

What will happen:

  • An error event with the message "I am an event" will be created.

  • "I am a breadcrumb" will be attached as a breadcrumb to that event.

  • bar will end up in the extra attributes of that event.

  • "An exception happened" will send the current exception from sys.exc_info() with the stack trace to Sentry. If there's no exception, the current stack will be attached.

  • The debug message "I am ignored" will not be captured by Sentry. To capture it, set level to DEBUG or lower in LoguruIntegration.

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