Find Trending Problems Faster with Escalating Issues

As of today, we've rolled out the new issues experience to all Sentry customers. These changes were made with the goal of surfacing high-priority issues to you faster.

Core updates include:

  • New issue statuses that provide additional context into an issue's life stages. Unresolved issues are now tagged as New, Ongoing, Regressed, or Escalating, giving you visibility into how an issue progresses over time

  • Issues can now escalate; we'll notify you when Sentry detects that an issue's number of events is significantly higher than the prior week

  • Regressed and Escalating tabs in the landing experience that allow you to quickly discover when fixed issues break, and when archived issues degrade to a level that you should be aware of

  • **Archive until escalating **as the default behavior when you click to archive issues, meaning that Sentry will automatically convert archived issues to unresolved, so that you don't have to worry about setting manual thresholds

In early testing, we found that issues escalated through the algorithm were 3X more likely to get resolved compared to issues with manual escalation thresholds.

For each issue that Sentry escalates, we'll let you give us feedback on whether we did it right - and as you submit more feedback, we'll use this data to improve the experience.

We're always looking to improve your Sentry experience. Please check out our GitHub discussions on improving the issue stream and details experience, and contribute to those if you have any ideas or feedback to share!

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