Disallowing numeric slugs

We will not allow users to create numeric slugs anymore. What that means is you can’t have a ‘007’ team slug or a ‘000’ project slug anymore!

Why? We want to improve our APIs and that includes making them work with our numeric IDs- so that your API automation scripts don’t break anytime a team member changes any slugs in Sentry. This is why we cannot support numeric slugs.

So please take a look at your organization, projects, teams, and cron monitors, and ensure you don’t have any numeric slugs. If you do - then Sentry will automatically change these to alphanumeric slugs on 10/10/23. We will use the following formula to do this:

new slug = {object type}-{old slug}-XX (2 digit random hash)

Here’s a list of things for you to review in case you change any slugs:

  • All

    • If you are using any automation that calls Sentry APIs you would need to update the automation and replace the old slugs with the new slug
  • Organization slug changes

    • For integrations like Jira, Github, Slack, etc. any old links linking back to your Sentry account won't be redirected.

    • If you are using Sentry CLI or a deployment integration you will also have to update the SENTRY_ORG environment variable.

    • If your organization is using SCIM/SAML, you will need to update the SCIM/SAML configuration values for the provider you’re using.

  • Project slug changes

    • If you’re using sentry-cli for project configurations like uploading source maps includes SENTRY_PROJECT slug and needs to be updated
  • Team slug changes

    • If they have any custom provisioning for members they might have used team slugs. In that case, they need to replace it with their new slug.
  • Monitor slug changes

    • Update your monitor check-ins and job configurations that include this slug
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